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AutoScroll and other Enhancements
Audiosoft - 7-10-2004 at 09:19 PM

steve_f - 7-10-2004 at 11:44 PM

Willum - 7-11-2004 at 05:05 AM

Audiosoft - 7-13-2004 at 02:50 AM

Bytor - 7-13-2004 at 12:18 PM

Pirk - 7-13-2004 at 03:09 PM

Audiosoft - 7-13-2004 at 05:28 PM

Audiosoft - 7-13-2004 at 05:57 PM

Bytor - 7-13-2004 at 06:23 PM

Audiosoft - 7-13-2004 at 07:32 PM

RE: Ability to change the font size on the album list.

You mean like this? This will be possible in v3.90 by editing the file named albumlistscroll.dis in the Skin

We are still working on the ability to change the album text font.

Pirk - 7-13-2004 at 07:38 PM

Audiosoft - 7-13-2004 at 07:57 PM

Bytor - 7-13-2004 at 08:17 PM

Pirk - 7-13-2004 at 08:42 PM

Audiosoft - 7-13-2004 at 08:52 PM

Pirk - 7-13-2004 at 09:11 PM