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Keyboard shortcuts for Rating "Now Playing" songs [UPDATE: Added to v3.6]
Wouldn't Pirk's mouse movement (that's what he said he captured to do this) be too ...
9-16-2003 at 04:11 AM
by: jhlurie
Keyboard shortcuts for Rating "Now Playing" songs [UPDATE: Added to v3.6]
This was [url=]mentioned in another topic[/url ...
9-14-2003 at 09:22 PM
by: jhlurie
The new ***** rating system: Review!
[quote][i]Originally posted by Pirk[/i]
OK, now I can do my ratings with my remote control.
[/quot ...
9-13-2003 at 09:16 PM
by: jhlurie
Editing mpc tags
Apparently this MPC is either REALLY new or really obscure, because all Google finds on it is a bunc ...
9-13-2003 at 08:12 PM
by: jhlurie
Songlist EXTENDED DATA VIEW in the works!
In the words of Monty Burns...


Also: as much as I sympathize with the people w ...
9-13-2003 at 07:25 PM
by: jhlurie
A way to obtain a PERTINENT Popurarity List
Any idea which makes the Popularity count more accurate is a good one.

The only objection I see s ...
9-10-2003 at 01:54 AM
by: jhlurie
A way to obtain a PERTINENT Popurarity List
Perhaps "played until the end" is a bit harsh a test. Perhaps, for the impatient among ...
9-7-2003 at 08:40 PM
by: jhlurie
The new ***** rating system: Review!
[quote][i]Originally posted by Pirk[/i]
Demnos, jhlurie do you always stay in front of your screen ...
9-7-2003 at 08:34 PM
by: jhlurie
Artist Ratings
[quote][i]Originally posted by Pirk[/i]
[quote][i]Message original : jhlurie[/i]
ALSO: for those ...
9-7-2003 at 01:43 AM
by: jhlurie
Suggestions about the new 5 stars system
That's not true Pirk. At that point you were talking about a system where songs were marked f ...
9-7-2003 at 01:31 AM
by: jhlurie
Suggestions about the new 5 stars system
[quote][i]Originally posted by Pirk[/i]
I don't think my idea complicate the things. It' ...
9-6-2003 at 10:02 PM
by: jhlurie
Artist Ratings
An interesting extension of the Ratings system might be to ALSO allow overall rating of an Artist. ...
9-6-2003 at 05:47 AM
by: jhlurie
The new ***** rating system: Review!
Hey that's cool, Audiosoft!

One nitpick I just thought of. While the look of the Rating pa ...
9-6-2003 at 04:11 AM
by: jhlurie
Suggestions about the new 5 stars system
[quote][i]Originally posted by Audiosoft[/i]
Another problem with showing faded stars for unrated s ...
9-6-2003 at 03:41 AM
by: jhlurie
Suggestions about the new 5 stars system
As I said, the deepest problem, as I see it, is that the auto-rated and the "regular" ra ...
9-6-2003 at 03:27 AM
by: jhlurie
Suggestions about the new 5 stars system
Pirk, didn't we hash out the whole "auto rating is too much like popularity/pick rating ...
9-6-2003 at 03:04 AM
by: jhlurie
The new ***** rating system: Review!
A possible future enhancement--a minor visual tweak which could be neat--would be to use floating te ...
9-6-2003 at 12:01 AM
by: jhlurie
The new ***** rating system: Review!
It is indeed an impressive start. You are correct that more can always be done with USING the ratin ...
9-5-2003 at 11:29 PM
by: jhlurie
Audiosoft missing?
[quote][i]Originally posted by Sloan[/i]
Does anyone know when the staff will be back? Their Credit ...
8-22-2003 at 04:43 PM
by: jhlurie
Audiosoft missing?
I'm thinking... on a secret mission!
8-2-2003 at 04:04 PM
by: jhlurie
What in the works for the next version?
[quote][i]Originally posted by bosh[/i]

Just curious as to if there any specifics reg ...
7-18-2003 at 02:35 AM
by: jhlurie
"Up Next"... taken further
Okay. Here's a crazy thought. I love the "Up Next" preview option in Pop. Mode S ...
7-15-2003 at 08:25 PM
by: jhlurie
Any way to stop the program from changing capitalization?
Yes, I constantly do too... and I already know its supposed to be there. It just somehow kind of fa ...
7-11-2003 at 05:17 AM
by: jhlurie
Any way to stop the program from changing capitalization?

EDIT - Sorry, actually, that other top ...
7-10-2003 at 03:46 PM
by: jhlurie
Lighten albumlist
[quote]But as the filters needed are already existing (genre, year and artist menus) why not use the ...
7-7-2003 at 01:36 AM
by: jhlurie
Lighten albumlist
How about having a pulldown filter control on the album display, similar to the one used on the &qu ...
7-6-2003 at 06:08 PM
by: jhlurie
program freezes on edit
Are you sure it isn't a long pause instead of a freeze? I keep a lot of my MP3 files on a ser ...
7-4-2003 at 10:12 AM
by: jhlurie
When setting local file as album image - open the file dialogue in the same folder as the mp3's
"cover.jpg" or "folder.jpg" isn't going to be very practical unless yo ...
7-3-2003 at 04:26 AM
by: jhlurie
[Fixed v3.3] Case Fixing issues
Sounds good. Thanks.
6-26-2003 at 11:06 PM
by: jhlurie
[Fixed v3.3] Case Fixing issues
I think the behavior of this needs tweaking. If the intent is to correct lower case letters at the ...
6-26-2003 at 04:50 AM
by: jhlurie
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